On March 23 2013 the club started the new season with a bang with the Annual General Meeting at Biagios.
We had a great crowd and prizes to give away from National 4WD and PJF4x4. Highlights from the AGM are online in our 2013 Photo Highlights.
NEW DATES due to late spring: Members start this year with a Winch & Recovery Day (members-only) on Sunday April 21, followed by the Season Opener at the Gorge on April 28, and our spring Adopt-a-Road Cleanup in Calabogie on May 4.
About the Club
Algonquin Land Claim AIP Update
Information for Off-Roaders
The governments of Ontario and Canada have negotiating with the Algonquins to settle a long standing land claim by transferring 117,500 acres of crown land to the Algonquin. Another 30,000 acres will become a new park. The transferred land will become private land and the Algonquin will be able to use it or develop it just as any private landowner can.
This is a multi-year plan with agreements that need to be ratified by the Algonquin and details yet to be deter...
Saturday March 23rd, 2013 5:00 pm
Biagio's Italian Kitchen, 1394 Richmond Rd., Ottawa, ON K2B 6R8
We are once again getting ready for the upcoming season and part of that will be the election of your board representatives; the first look at the trail run schedule and of course the annual general meeting where we officially kick off the new season.
The eating, drinking and being merry starts as early as 5:00 pm. Please come at this time to order food and to renew your membership. You...
Algonquin Land Claim Agreement-In-Principle
What You Should Know
Important negotiations are underway in Eastern Ontario that should be of concern to anyone who uses crown land in Eastern Ontario. If you recreate on crown land, off-road, ATV, snowmobile, canoe, kayak, boat, hunt, fish, camp, geocache, hike, ski, snowshoe or cottage on or near crown lands you should get informed and ensure that your rights and your usage of crown land is documented and considered.
The governments of Ontario and Canada have been holding confidential me...
OF4WD Newsletter
The latest newsletter from the Ontario Federation of 4WD Recreationists (OF4WD) is now available on line.
OF4WD works on behalf of members to keep open access to trails on public land, to educate, to clean-up and maintain trails and to promote 4WD recreation. Members can access the OF4WD Trail Index for a trail map with background information and trail status.
If you are a member of EOTB or ride with us on the trail then you are a member of OF4WD. $20 of your annual membership fee or guest...
Winter Studies
While winter is upon us, some of us are working on trucks and some of us are studying up to get our Amateur Radio licences.
There are a couple of advantages to having our trail leaders equipped with amateur radios:
Amateur radios can transmit at much higher power (250 watts with Basic certificate) than CB radio (4 watts maximum), which means greater distances with ground wave propagation
Amateur radios have access to repeaters that can increase the range of the radio, even at low power, by ...
Winter 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
EOTB Ski / Snowboard Day at Calabogie Peaks - Saturday Feb 2 2013
EOTB Snowtubing Day at Edelweiss - Sunday Feb 24 2013
EOTB Annual General Meeting - Saturday Mar 23 2013
Stay tuned for more winter social and off-roading events
Just a reminder that as a courtesy to our friends with snowmobiles, please stay off groomed trails during the winter months. They only get the trails for a short time each year and you can be charged with trespassing.
Adopt-a-Road Clean-up & Club BBQ Report
Honestly I was getting a little anxious with all the rain coming down hard on Friday evening, that we would have to postpone the adopt-a-road cleanup. But come Saturday morning, the skies cleared up just as forecast.
We didn't get as many cleanup volunteers as we had in the spring, but we certainly had enough enthusiastic members to get the job done. We met early at Loblaws in Bells Corners and we were on the road by 0900hrs. At Munford's in Calabogie we met Peter Z and his family. We broke i...
46 1/2 hours with EOTB (at Fall Camp) September 2012
Sometimes the pictures say more than the words:
EOTB Fall Camp 2012
September 21 through September 23
EOTB Fall Camp is an informal gathering of EOTB members at Black Donald Tent and Trailer Park with the express purpose of off-roading. This is not coordinated by the club: if you wish to attend you should contact the campground directly at http://www.blackdonaldtntpark.ca/ to book a site for Friday September 21 and/or Saturday September 22. Please bring your own food and equipment. The club does not collect money for this event nor pay for your camp site....
Calabogie Storm Relief Report
Before I get into the details, thank you Nick (my son) Craig, Serge, Burns, Marc and his wife for coming out to help yesterday. I believe w represented the club well yesterday.
After gathering at Munford’s we all made our way to the Calabogie Community Centre, where we understood there would be a list of people looking for help. We didn’t find that list, rather a book for people to sign-in to volunteer. There was only one name in the book. We had a brief chat with the emergency services r...
Calabogie Storm Relief
After speaking with the Calabogie Fire chief this evening, it is clear that there are still many people in need of help in the wake of the storm that hit the Calabogie area earlier this week. There are two rally points for those looking to assist which include Munford’s and the Calabogie Community Centre.
In order to assist those who live in the area in which we play, I am asking EOTB members to join me tomorrow to assist in any way we can. It is unclear what type of assistance we will be ren...
Camp EOTB 2012 – Friday Aug 3rd – Monday August 6th, 2012
A chance for the youthful to feel older and the older to feel youthful as camping is ageless and priceless
Once again Camp EOTB is being held in Calabogie at Black Donald Tent & Trailer Park. Sites are limited so reserve now. Eleven sites (#’s 3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-13-14-15) have been reserved and you will be assigned to a site. Some sites will be doubled-up. The sites are booked from Friday night to Monday noon. For kids 17 and under camping is free. There is no catered Saturday night dinner...
Adopt-a-Road Clean-up – THIS WEEKEND MAY 5 or 6
Adopt-a-Road Clean-up is on for this Saturday May 5 in Calabogie.
We will convoy from Bells Corners - be there at 8:30 am for an early start.
Trail run after the clean-up Rusty Bat is good for stock trucks
More Information
Rescheduled Adopt-a-Road Clean-up
Our Calabogie Adopt-a-Road clean-up event scheduled for April 21/22 will be rescheduled for a weekend without rain. Stay tuned for more details.
The county does not permit us to do a road clean-up if it is raining.
2012-2013 Bring it On!
On March 24 2012 the club started the new season with a bang with the Annual General Meeting at Biagios.
We had a great crowd and prizes to give away from Capital Dodge, National 4WD, PJF4x4 and
Saturday March 24th, 2012 5:00 pm
Biagio's Italian Kitchen, 1394 Richmond Rd., Ottawa, ON K2B 6R8
We are once again getting ready for the upcoming season and part of that will be the election of your board representatives; the first look at the trail run schedule and of course the annual general meeting where we officially kick off the new season.
The eating, drinking and being merry starts as early as 5:00 pm. Please come at this time to order food and to renew your membership. You...
Trail Leader Program
Further to our trail leader seminar, which was very well attended, I would like to introduce to you our most recent effort to further develop EOTB – The creation of a Trail Leaders Committee. The Trail Leader Committee is referenced in Article 11 of the Club Bylaws and it’s a committee of trail leaders with a chairperson that makes recommendation to the board for officially adding and removing trail leaders. The bylaws state that the Chairperson is not a board position and it is not a voting pos...
Photo Highlights from 2011
The photos from the highlights of 2011 are now up! Album "/highlights2011"
(Members can login to view the full collection)
Trail Leader Seminar – November 2011
Saturday I sat in a room at Capital Dodge with 19 others who came to the club for the off-roading and stayed for the people.
Brockville Trail Clean-up – October 2011
Thanks to the folks who came out to trail clean-up on Lyn Rd. in Brockville. This was a great group effort on the part of the local 4wd clubs. We had people from OVO, OJC, and EOTB. Thanks to Andy for organizing. The Brockville cycling club was invited but did not attend.
This trail was in the news lately because the cycling groups were concerned with litter on the trail. We pulled old furniture, rotten porches, construction materials, shingles, and general garbage from the bush. None of ...
Adopt-a-Road Clean-up – September 2011
If you were driving along Calabogie Road the morning of September 17 2011 you may have wondered what all the orange shirts were in the ditch ... it was the 4th semi-annual EOTB Adopt-a-Road clean-up!
We adopted this section of road back in June of 2010 and this year we were recognized for our efforts with our very own EOTB Adopt-a-Road sign. Mother Nature has benefited from our work, the residents and visitors to Calabogie have a cleaner section of road to travel, and EOTB gets the opport...
Camp EOTB 2011 Reports
Reports back from Camp EOTB 2011
Brockville Clean-Up
EOTB is joining OJC and OVO and others for a trail clean-up this Saturday in Brockville.
Details here. Come out and give Mother Nature a hand and help beautify a multi-use trail for everyone's benefit.
CAMP EOTB#2 ~ Sept 23rd – 25th ~
Mark your calendars and plan on coming up to the ever popular CAMP EOTB#2!
Once again we are heading up to Black Donald Tent and Trailer Park as our base for a great weekend of family oriented fun on the trails, followed by more family fun around the campfire. Unlike Camp EOTB in August, if you wish to camp with us you need to call the campground and reserve your own camp site. This is a bring-your-own-food camp, people will gather where they will but the club is not providing food so co...
Guest Fee Change
Small correction to the announcement regarding guest fees:
The policy was changed slightly this year so the fee is payable by guests on *each* run they attend. The collected fees are then applied towards full membership fees. So if a guest comes out twice they pay $30 ($15+$15) and only $15 towards full memberships fees. However three runs as a guest doesn't automatically mean full membership. The membership process still has to applied. So the 4th run as a guest would still cost $15.
Camp EOTB 1 Registration Announcement
July 29th to August 1st, 2011 (Friday - Monday) - Calabogie, On
Back by popular demand, Camp EOTB is being held in Calabogie at Black Donald Tent & Trailer Park. Sites are limited so reserve now. Eleven sites (#’s 3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-14-40-41) have been reserved and singles can double up on a site. The sites are booked from Friday night to Monday noon. Please note that you cannot book these sites through the park at this time. They are reserved under EOTB and you must reserve these sites...
Ottawa Wing Night New Location
After the last Ottawa Wing Night and battling to be heard over the Bingo announcer we are going to try a new location: the Cock'n Bull Pub & Eatery. Feedback about this becoming our regular place would be appreciated. Hopefully this will be a bit quieter and allow conversations to be heard and give Craig the chance to talk with the group as planned for last
Wing Night without being drowned out.
More Information
Ottawa Wing Night Board Update
This week I will be taking the first half hour of wing night to provide you with an update from your Board. We felt it appropriate to provide you with an overview of our most recent board meeting… simply a high level update of the agenda items and our discussions - provide you with an opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback etc. It is intended to be a relaxed discussion. Certainly nothing formal. We will give it a try to see how it goes and if acceptable we will provide regular update...
2011 Season Opener at the Gorge THIS WEEKEND
Hit the trails with EOTB this Sunday April 24 at the Gorge for the Annual Season Opener!
This is a great trail for new and old off-roaders, big and small trucks alike: just like the event description says, a dirt road runs through the trail and while some will play on the bigger rocks and bigger obstacles we always return to the dirt road so the group is always together. It's easy to stop and get out and take pictures or check out the obstacles and give them a try ... or leave them until next...