Governance Process
The Eastern Ontario Trail Blazers 4×4 Club is incorporated under the laws of Ontario as a non-profit organization (corporation without share capital). The club was incorporated in 1999 and has operated continuously ever since.
The club is governed by a constitution and by-laws and managed by a board of directors. The constitution sets out the overall structure and management of the club and can be only be modified by a vote of the club membership. By-laws are set by the board of directors to specify how members shall conduct themselves on the trail and to provide additional details on various aspects of club management, such as the conduct of elections and membership requirements and process. The constitution was last modified in March 2019 while the by-laws were last updated in May 2006.
Members may view the view the constitution here, the by-laws here, and the current board of directors here.
As required by the constitution, the club holds an annual general membership meeting; by convention, this meeting takes place in late March or early April, before the start of the wheeling season. Typical AGM events include elections for the board of directors, presentation of awards for the previous wheeling season, consideration of other club business, a recap of the previous year, and a look ahead to the next wheeling season.
One of the first orders of business of each new board is setting the calendar of events for the coming wheeling season. This includes determining the official start of the wheeling season, which is very much dependent on conditions: Our goal is to protect, preserve, and extend the trail network, so we wait until the ground is sufficiently firm and dry before heading to the trails. We’ve started as early as April and as late as June, depending on conditions.
The club currently has 7 directors: Three positions required by the club’s constitution (president, secretary, and treasurer) and four directors-at-large. The president is responsible for the overall management of the club, the treasurer keeps the club’s books, and the secretary manages membership records and the agenda and minutes of board meetings. Other directors have ad hoc duties, such as managing club merchandise, corralling sponsors, liaison with other clubs, trail leader management, etc. These duties vary depending on the needs of the club and its membership.
The board of directors typically meets monthly, slightly more often during busy periods, such as the lead up to the AGM, and less often during quiet periods, such as during the winter months. To learn more about the club, please visit the Contact Us page.
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