EOTB Trail Maps v0.90 Released

The latest version of the EOTB Trail Maps has been released and is available for download in the Trail Leaders’ file section of the website along with the user’s guide. The maps have been updated to reflect exploration that was done last year as well as some minor corrections. The EOTB Trail Maps were created for use by EOTB Trail Leaders to help them host successful events that represent the values of the club. They are intended to foster responsible off-roading by ensuring the Trail Lea...

RSS Explained (Really Simple Syndication)

The new web site supports RSS (Really Simple Syndication). RSS publishes all our news articles in a data format based on XML. Instead of reading the articles and trails reports in your web browser, you can now read the articles on any device equipped with an RSS reader. This is great for mobile phones, you can download the news and read it anytime anywhere even if you don't have a cell connection. EOTB News RSS feed: https://www.eotb.ca/index.php?theme=RSS By topic see News Categories and fo...

EOTB Web Site Technology

For those interested in the technology behind the scenes or considering setting up their own web site: The current EOTB web site runs on the Zikula Web Application Toolkit. This was a natural evolution from the previous site which was built on PostNuke. Back in 2006 we looked at PHP-Nuke and found it unstable and not secure enough for our liking. PostNuke had come out of PHP-Nuke but had been tightened up and ran a lot smoother. The upgrade from PostNuke to Zikula was accomplished by "freezin...