EOTB Donates to CHEO

On behalf of EOTB, Treasurer Peter Strecko presents CHEO with a cheque for $320.00 raised and matched by the club at our CAPS BBQ and other events this past season.

Thanks to all who helped and donated and thanks to CAPS for hosting our BBQ.

From: "Olenka Reshitnyk" 
Date: 2014-03-10 3:31 PM
Subject: Thank You!
To: "Peter Strecko"
Cc: "Chantal Charbonneau"

Good afternoon Peter,

Thank you so much for dropping by the CHEO Foundation this afternoon. My colleague, Chantal, kindly passed along your information and cheque 
to the CHEO Foundation from the Eastern Ontario Trailblazer 4x4 Club. Sounds like your event was a success! 
Attached you will find your photo from today’s cheque presentation with my colleague, Chantal Charbonneau – Senior Manager, Community Engagement.
Olenka Reshitnyk
Special Events and Community Engagement Officer
Tel/Tél : (613) 738-3938 Fax / Téléc : (613) 738-4818
415 Smyth Road Ottawa, ON K1H 8M8