EOTB Civic Holiday Trailathon

Before the province loosened restrictions, the club had to make the difficult call to cancel Camp EOTB 2020. Since we could not run camp, but we can run trail runs, we thought we'd setup a jam-packed weekend of trail runs with a bit of a twist to make it a weekend to remember. We have scheduled 5 trail runs in two days. Don't worry, you'll have your Monday holiday to recover. You might finally get a chance to try out those trail lights and rock lights! Register To help us plan according...

Trail Leader Course – Event Details

By now, you should be aware that this year's Trail Leader Course will be delivered as an online course. Please see below for details on how to participate in the training. Date and Time The trail leader course will be delivered across three sessions. April 21, 2020 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm April 23, 2020 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm April 28, 2020 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm As this is the first time we have delivered this material in this way, we have booked three sessions of three hours each, but we ...

Lavant Lookout – April 30, 2016

by Peter Whittaker Thanks to everyone who ran the Lavant Lookout trail yesterday, a good time was had by all, despite some unexpected technical difficulties. First-time trail leader Peter "Mother Hen" Whittaker was ably assisted and mentored by Nick "Straight up, no alternating" Dufresne, with additional moral support from Brigitte "Hip Waders" Lord. Rounding out our crew were Serge "M'a aller par là" Gratton, Yves "Y'en n'a pas de problème" Mercier, and Dan "Non, y'en n'a pas" Poulin. ...