It was great seeing everyone who showed up at the AGM last Friday. Here are all the awards and their recipients as some of you were not at the AGM.
- Kohn Award – Burns Macdonald
- Most Improved Driver Award -Brian Gudger
- Rookie Award -Karen Bryden
- Best Builder Award -Ken Buck
- Bling Bling Award -Mark Geres
- Best Stuck -Kevin Haasper
- Maher Presidents’ Award -Paul Dufresne
- Shutterbug Award -Christine Croskery
- Jackstand Award -Rene Meunier
- McGyver Award (for most innovative trail fix) -Brian Gudger
- Trailblazer Award (opening of Bear Skulls) -Paul D, Rodney E, Jordan B, Brian W, Dave C, Chris P, Brian G, Peter P, Ken B
Once again, congrats to all the winners! If you’ve yet to claim your award, I’ve got them all at home, give me a shout and we’ll figure out how to get it to you…