2014 Awards

It was great seeing everyone who showed up at the AGM last Friday. Here are all the awards and their recipients as some of you were not at the AGM.

  • Kohn Award – Burns Macdonald
  • Most Improved Driver Award -Brian Gudger
  • Rookie Award -Karen Bryden
  • Best Builder Award -Ken Buck
  • Bling Bling Award -Mark Geres
  • Best Stuck -Kevin Haasper
  • Maher Presidents’ Award -Paul Dufresne
  • Shutterbug Award -Christine Croskery
  • Jackstand Award -Rene Meunier
  • McGyver Award (for most innovative trail fix) -Brian Gudger
  • Trailblazer Award (opening of Bear Skulls) -Paul D, Rodney E, Jordan B, Brian W, Dave C, Chris P, Brian G, Peter P, Ken B

Once again, congrats to all the winners! If you’ve yet to claim your award, I’ve got them all at home, give me a shout and we’ll figure out how to get it to you…
