COVID-19 Response

(Updated June 2, 2021)

The Ottawa area, along with the rest of the province, the country and most of the world are still grappling with this pandemic. The EOTB will comply with provincial guidance with respect to hosting our trail events throughout the summer. While the province-wide stay-at-home order has officially ended, the Roadmap to Reopen hasn’t effectively changed the restrictions applied to our  activities at least through to June 14th. All events will be postponed until a later date, as dictated by provincial guidelines.

Response Framework

The following describes how EOTB activities will resume in relation to the provincial Roadmap


Step Guidelines
Step 1 Organized outdoor public events and gatherings are limited to 10 people.

  • Open Runs will be postponed or cancelled.
  • Trail Run will be scheduled with an attempt to accommodate as many members as possible using the trail lottery system we established last season and based on the availability of Trail Leaders. Event registration will be mandatory and vehicles will be limited to two people (driver and one passenger).
Step 2  

Organized outdoor public events and gatherings are limited to 25 people.

  • Open Runs will be postponed or cancelled.
  • Trail Run will be scheduled with an attempt to accommodate as many members as possible using the trail lottery system we established last season and based on the availability of Trail Leaders. Event registration will be mandatory and vehicles will be limited to two people (driver and one passenger).
Step 3 Organized outdoor public events and gatherings are limited to larger groups people.

  • Trail Run (Member and Open Run) events will be held as scheduled.


Camp EOTB remains on the calendar at this time, we will be watching the provincial guidance and trends in COVID cases and make a determination on this event approximately 1 month from the event in order to give our friends at Black Donald an opportunity to rent to others the sites we currently have reserved for this event.

Trail Runs

Anyone attending EOTB trail runs will be expected to adhere with the provincial guidelines with respecto to face covering and physical distancing. In addition, it is imperative that  you adhere to these guidelines when you do venture out on the trail:

  • If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, or have reason to believe you have been exposed, stay home.
  • If you have traveled outside the country or province in the last 14 days, stay home.
  • During the event, maintain social distancing from those not in your household (stay 2m away)
  • Bring all equipment you require (tire gauge, air compressor, wrenches for swaybar, etc)
  • Only bring passengers that live in your home with you
  • Avoid shaking hands or direct contact with others. A Jeep wave will suffice (even if you don’t drive a Jeep)
  • If you must conduct an extraction, only one person should handle extraction gear. Self-extraction is recommended whenever possible.
  • It is highly recommended that all members have a CB to maintain communications with the group.
  • Dogs are permitted, but must be kept on leash or in vehicles at all times.

Wing Night

The club will continue hosting virtual wing nights until further notice. Even in “Prevent” zones, the gathering limit is 10 people, making wing nights impractical.

Overland Events

As overland events require additional preparation by the organizers and participants, we plan to provide a minimum of 8-10 days notice before an event cancellation. As of now, there aren’t any  Overland trips scheduled. We will be planning events in the near future.

We ask for your patience and your continued adherence to the guidance presented above.

Thank you, on behalf of the Board of Directors,

Paul Dufresne
President, Eastern Ontario Trail Blazers