Adopt-a-Road Clean-up & Rusty Bat too – May 2012

On Saturday 5 May we met at Loblaws in Bells Corners a little earlier
than usual as today we would have both a road cleanup followed by a
trail run. After a little administrative details and signing insurance
forms, we left at about 0900hrs. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect
for the road cleanup and trail run.

I thought it was a very quiet drive up to Calabogie, but then I noticed
that my squelch was turned way up and we had a very long line of about
14 vehs. We arrived at Munford’s gas station and a few more club members
were waiting for us. While we were doing some socializing and getting
organized I noticed that Renfrew County neglected to pre-position their
cleanup box with gloves, vests, and garbage bags. Munford’s didn’t have
any, so Evan and I quickly headed to the Home Hardware in Calabogie and
picked up some work gloves and garbage bags.

I believe I counted a total 32 people helping out on the road cleanup.
Many hands made light work, plus it is the same 2km stretch that we have
been cleaning for the past couple of years. We split into four groups,
two heading east from Munford’s and two heading west from the other end.
By 1230hrs we were finished and had a nice pile of garbage and
recycling. Many thanks to all who helped, and especially Peter for
picking up all the garbage/recycling in his pickup truck.

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