Adopt-a-Road Clean-up – June 2015

The Adopt-a-Road clean-up this spring was a success again this year. We met at the Blue Onion at 10:00am and split into two teams to start the clean-up from both ends and meet in the middle. Thanks, in part, to our efforts over the year, there wasn't a large amount of garbage, but we did manage to fill a few bags of trash and recycling completing the whole stretch in just over an hour. With the clean-up complete, we headed over to the Rusty Bat for our trail run.

Trail Report – Adopt-a-Road Clean-up and Rusty Bat – May 2014

A big thank you to all that made it out today. The road clean-up was fast and a few locals honked at us in appreciation. Extra points to Evan for his trailer, it kept the trash out of our rigs. The trail was excellent with no major surprises. A few hang-ups and a couple of tugs later we made it to the top and back down without incident. Thanks again to all that came out. Ken B./Trail Leader (more…)

Adopt-a-Road Clean-up & Rusty Bat too – May 2012

On Saturday 5 May we met at Loblaws in Bells Corners a little earlier than usual as today we would have both a road cleanup followed by a trail run. After a little administrative details and signing insurance forms, we left at about 0900hrs. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for the road cleanup and trail run. I thought it was a very quiet drive up to Calabogie, but then I noticed that my squelch was turned way up and we had a very long line of about 14 vehs. We arrived at Munford's...

Trail Report – Adopt-a-Road / Rusty Bat – May 2011

We came … we saw… we conquered! Yup that trash never had a chance! We had great weather for the cleanup and an awesome turnout, including a new guest, Nick from Renfrew who rolled into Munfords in his YJ. We completed the 2KM cleanup in record time finishing just before 1pm. That stretch of highway sure looks great! A big thanks to all those who participated. (more…)