2017 Constitutional Amendments

Result of Vote on Constitutional Amendments

Thanks to the participation of club members, the EOTB constitution has been amended.

Amendments were made in three major areas:

  1. Elimination of club chapters: Chapters were created when the EOTB and the KAOS (the Kingston Area Offroad Society) merged in 2005. These amendments eliminate the chapter concept since it has not been used at all in the last several years and terms and conditions around chapters complicated the constitution, voting procedures, and a few other aspects of club management.

This amendment was approved 32 votes to nil.

  1. Increase of financial limits: The constitution requires that the board of directors notify members of any spending expenditure above a certain threshold and seek approval of the membership for any spending expenditure in excess of a second threshold. The amendments increased these limits from $100 to $250 and from $500 to $1000, respectively.

This amendment was approved 31 votes to 1.

  1. Miscellaneous editorial and minor practical changes: In determining how to best make the above changes, we noted places where wording was ambiguous or vague or incomplete; changes were made to make the language clearer, simpler, and more precise. We also noted places where the constitution referenced practices that were no longer followed and seemed unnecessary; since the club functions well without these practices, they were removed.

This amendment was approved 31 votes to 1.


Over the next few weeks, the new constitution will be published on the web site.